Lifestyle News

How I Built a Chore Dashboard for My Family: Integrating Dakboard with Chorebuster

A long-time ChoreBuster user, Eric, has done some very clever things to create a home dashboard that displays chores allocated by ChoreBuster:

“To give you some background I have 4 children and smart wall/calendar that I setup and installed off of my kitchen. I wanted the ability to easily add a chore chart to the screen and experimented in different ways of doing it. I’m pretty techy so at one point I had a postgres database hosted on my unraid server and was adding records for each kid and then querying the database via API to get JSON responses which I then formatted onto my digital screen. It was great except it didn’t pass the wife approval test (WAF). This led me down the road of looking for something that did this and I spent a good 6 months researching reddit, magicmirror and the internet looking for an easy to manage solution. I needed something that allowed me or my wife to do the following:

  1. Need a web interface that allowed someone with no technical skills to easily add and edit chores and assign people
  2. Need a way to query the resulting schedule by person to display on my wall calendar
  3. Needed the response format to be parsable JSON
  4. Wanted to ensure that any solution had a helpful developer behind it
    When I found chorebuster I was a little leary if the software would actually work for my use case. I experimented with it for a bit but hit a few snags as there wasn’t direct API access and the ability to create a rotation of chores (not using points) was difficult to implement. I decided then to reach out to the developer to see what could be done and I was pleasantly surprised at the responsiveness. In the matter of a week or two I had working APIs and eventually a rotate feature that allowed me to easily create what I wanted.

I’ve been using chorebuster now for almost 5 years and I love it. Its a daily driver in my house to keep everyone on track with what daily chores they have to help with. I ended up going with Dakboard for my digital screen due to the headache of maintaining magicmirror (corrupt build’s on my server and the headache of making things look good). With dakboard all I had to do was write some simple script to pull the chore’s by person and display it. The code I use is attached for reference and a screenshot. You’ll see the chores in the right side of the screen which dynamically updates each morning.

Thank you for such a great app!”

We worked with Eric for a couple of weeks to build an API for him to use. That API is also used by the mobile phone app, too. If you’d like to make use of the API in your project, we’ll be happy to help.


iPhone app available

We’re excited to announce that the ChoreBuster iPhone app is now available on the App Store!

If you’re ready to take control of your household chores and keep everyone on track, download the iPhone app today!

After installing the app you will need to connect it to your account by typing in a code which you get from this page of the website.

Please bear in mind that this is the first release of this app so there may be some minor glitches. Let us know if you find any issues. Thanks!


Android app is ready

We’re excited to announce that the Android app is now available on the Google Play Store! With the app you can easily view and tick off your chores right from your phone.

If you’re ready to take control of your household chores and keep everyone on track, download the Android app today!

After installing the app you will need to connect it to your account by typing in a code which you get from this page of the website.

Please bear in mind that this is the first release of this app so there may be some minor glitches. Let us know if you find any issues. Thanks!


Progress on building a mobile app

It feels great to be making good progress with a mobile app for ChoreBuster. After many delays and distractions, it’s finally happening.

The basic functionality is there. All it does it displays today’s chores and you can tick them off and switch to seeing someone else’s chores.

It’s nearly ready. I’d like to make it show unfinished chores from the past also, perhaps below today’s chores.


Chore revisions – let the past remain the past

Some of you who have been using ChoreBuster for a while will have noticed an odd quirk – when you edit a chore it recalculates the entire schedule from when you made your account, often months ago, to the present, then off into the future. As chores are allocated based on what work gets done, the new schedule could look totally different to the one you had moments before. 

This isn’t really a problem when you first set up your schedule but as people start to do chores it is – people who had recently finished chores would no longer be allocated those chores and so ChoreBuster would ‘forget’ they had been completed and calculating rewards based on chore completion becomes impossible.

Another side-effect of shuffling a schedule like this is that an email containing chores to do that day may no longer match what is on the website so if some people use the email and others use the website, confusion ensues.

A solution!

This week those problems have been mostly solved – whenever you change a chore the new settings will only take effect from tomorrow onward. The past will be unaffected. If you delete a chore then it will remain on older days of the schedule and stop appearing from tomorrow onward. 

This is achieved by creating revisions of a chore when it is saved, similar to how CMS software does when you edit a page. Each revision has a period of time when it is used to calculate the schedule, which is the time between revisions. The current settings, the ones you see when editing the chore are used from whenever you last saved the chore and into the future.


When saving a chore all future days will be recalculated, as before, so if the weekly email has been sent and you make some changes the day after then the issue of emails and online not matching will still occur. This problem should not occur with the daily email as new settings take effect the day after they were saved.

This was a major rewrite of some core parts of the ChoreBuster algorithm and there were some tricky parts that are hard to be 100% sure about. If you notice any strange behavior, please let us know. If it’s working properly but it is more annoying than helpful, please let us know!

If you change the start date of a chore the revisions don’t work and past parts of the schedule may end up looking different. Sorry, fixing that was too hard for now.

That is the main update we’ve been working on. But there are a few more things we’ve managed to squeeze in recently too, so read on for more.

Chore End Date

In order to make chore deletion work the way described above, every chore needs an end date. So when you delete a chore, behind the scenes they are not really deleted, just given an end date. It was trivial to provide a field in the user interface so you can set this to a value without deleting the chore.

This field is not likely to be used often so it is hidden away in the “Optional Extras” section when editing a chore.

Cloning Chores

Often you’ll want to create a few quite similar chores with minor variations. Now, you can create a duplicate of another chore with a single click from the Show Chores screen. Look for something like this:

Be aware that if you clone a chore with a start date in the past that this will cause the schedule to be recalculated from that date onward, potentially making a mess of your finished chores and rewards tracking. To avoid this you can edit the start date on the cloned chores.


Survey results – mobile app development

Recently we ran a poll of our most involved users, asking for their ideas and feedback about what features they’d like a ChoreBuster mobile app to have.

Most people want to use ChoreBuster on their phone in order to help with the day-to-day running of the household by keeping track of what needs to be done soon and what has been finished. So the first release of a mobile app will concentrate on that and leave making changes to the chores for the future.

This preference makes a lot of sense because having a larger screen, as on a laptop / desktop, makes it much easier to see more of the schedule and see the effect of your changes. Even the best-made mobile app is going to be hard to use for editing a complex schedule involving a few people, simply because of the small screen.

We will begin working on a mobile app in the very near future, as soon the current batch of work is finished. There will be an announcement on what that work is very soon – it’s a big change and fixes one of the longest-running limitations ChoreBuster has so we’re pretty excited about it.


Manual override

For a long time Chore Buster was fully automatic – you would specify how often chores need to be done and the schedule would be generated for you based on that.

Sometimes it doesn’t come out perfect. For those times, just click on the arrows to move the chore to someone else.
